UX Writing Challenge Day Thirteen: Short-Haul Trucking
Scenario: A short-haul truck driver has a phone app that monitors his route, schedule, fuel & deliveries.
He has 6 more deliveries before stopping for fuel and lunch. Due to unexpected traffic, he’s behind schedule.
He can choose to stay on his planned route for a few more stops, but risk running low on fuel and missing lunch, or he can get fuel and lunch now and finish the deliveries later.
Challenge: Write a push notification alerting him of this dilemma and options.
Headline: 30 Characters max
Body: 45 characters max
Button(s): 25 characters max
UX Challenge Solution
New Route Suggested
The new route covers lunch and gas station.
UX Challenge Scenario Reflection
This scenario positioned multiple characters that needed attention. The driver felt like the main character, while people who were waiting for their package were the secondary characters. All had a stake in the delivery process, but I felt like the drive hard a larger emotional budget on the line. Sure, a package might contain an urgent delivery, but the stresses of the driver screamed solve my problem first.
I attempted to provide the most pertinent information to the driver via a modal notification that would occur within the routing app. I envisioned the app already open on the device, and the driver would be aware of changes happening on the screen. Hopefully, this will allow the driver to grab lunch and recharge both from a mind and body standpoint and fill up the tank of the delivery truck.
Have you come across any great implementations of a rerouting notification? I’d love to see an example.
UX Challenge Scenario Mockup